We face a crisis, not from ‘climate change’ but of the reaction to it. We need to enter the hegelian dialectic here, so let's go where many fear to tread…..
So called ‘man made’ climate change, is referred to as ‘an existential threat to humanity’, but it is not. Many governments heve been captured and through their successive creeping legislative changes, this capture has been passed down the chain to the local level.
Our world has changed and not in a good way. Societies around the globe are hamstrung by rules and regulations, not least by the 17 so-called ‘sustainable development goals’, that are anything but, and packaged, as they are, in bright colours with friendly graphics, presumably to appeal to the younger, and they feel, ‘more malleable’ in society. One could postulate that these goals look like a plausible way to ‘save us all from ourselves’. Sadly, this could not be farther from the truth. The reality, for anyone who has eyes to see, is that these stated goals spell the end for humanity as we now perceive it, save for the elite, who are protected and sheltered from the most draconian set of objectives, ever put together by a group of sadists, hell bent on their vision of ‘the new world order’ that they so desperately crave. By following these ludicrous targets, we condemn the majority of the planetary population and its animals, to a frugal, hollow, desperate future, devoid of love, happiness and hope or anything approaching what we may term as ‘free will’ or ‘individual choice’.
The world of our youth has changed and will continue to deteriorate, not because of a change in temperature but by the actions of the deluded.
What are we told is the driver of the imagined destruction of our planet? The answer is shouted from the rooftops…..”Carbon dioxide !”
Think about any time that you spend outdoors, and you will see growth, life and beauty. Trees that reach up majestically into the air, branches swathed in greenery and flowers, tree canopies nested by birds and squirrels scurrying from one branch to another. One could marvel at the sheer awe and beauty of it all.
So what is the fundamental element that is required to achieve this abundance of life in all of its majesty and beauty?
Well…..that would be, carbon dioxide.
Those of us of a certain age can all remember our early science classes, they taught us the mechanics of photosynthesis, that being the driver for the life cycle of any living plant. This was information fundamental to understanding our ecosystem at the most basic level. The process by which we grow crops, care for the soil, feed ourselves, ensure good health and nurture our children. We all understand this, right ? Then how do we explain the orwellian push to banish carbon like some errant child who has misbehaved in class? Could it be that we are forgetting that, we ourselves are carbon. Maybe we should banish ourselves? Oh, I see, this is actually what they want.
Now it's all falling into place…..
There are some almighty untruths circulating about this whole ‘global climate boiling change saga’ and those lies have driven into town in souped up monster trucks, knocked down the walls of the house, dragged us screaming from our beds, and proceeded to obliterate any documentation, study, or real world evidence that may dare to set the record straight. This is done iin the fear that the truth will out and the whole scam and intricately woven tissue of lies, will scatter to the winds. That cannot be allowed to happen.
This lie is far bigger and more brazen than ‘covid’ could ever seek to be, ‘Covid’ was the preamble, the warm up act, the entree. The CO2 lie, is the lie to end all lies, this is the lie from which destruction of our very way of life, and the precursor to depopulation of the planet is possible, and the possibilities are endless. They include (and this is not an exhaustive list);
Control of where we go,
what we eat,
how and where we travel,
how we occupy our leisure time,
car ownership,
owning pets and livestock,
the supply chain,
procreation, and so on and so forth.
This lie has been crafted, dictated, managed and implemented at the global level, by such insidious organisations as the WHO, WEF and multiple NGO's too numerous to name here, however, you can be sure that the boy Gates has interests in any number of these. The lie is packaged up and fully adopted by almost all governments of the world, then, in order to embed and spread its tentacles through every aspect of our day to day life and work, it is discussed in local council meetings, adopted and marshaled onward by numerous ‘little folk’, buoyed up and drunk on any degree of power in the form of a fancy title or perhaps a mayoral chain. These people wield the authority to dictate to the little people (us), that …..”they had better adhere to the latest, unscientific and nonsensical pronouncement, or the blighters will create such chaos that we will all die, the sky will fall in and the planet will set ablaze and burn for all eternity, The End”.
The fabrication that carbon is the protagonist that needs to be removed from our lives, plays out in the following malign plans; Net Zero, 15 minute cities, C40 cities, carbon capture, rewilding, solar and wind energy, electric vehicles, draconian restrictions to farming, food production and transport infrastructure to name but a few.
It seems that the bigger the lie the more difficult to refute. There are certain lies that have been taken out of context and used to prove the false case for man made climate change, even when they are easily provably false. As an example, the University of East Anglia and its ‘Climategate’ scandal, where it was clearly demonstrated that scientific data (that did not fit the narrative) had been manipulated and changed to present the only conclusion that is allowed.
A quick search on the internet today meant that I was reliably informed by an A.I generated answer, that this event has been ‘fact checked’ so we can be reassured that no data manipulation ever took place….
The other commonly reported lie, that ‘99% of all scientists agree that carbon increase is the cause of man-made climate change’, is another. This is reported ad-nauseum by the media, politicians and others in order to cement in the public consciousness that this is an accepted and unarguable truth, when this too is an intricate and deliberate distortion of the true facts, so manipulated yet so easy to get people to buy into.
The response from the normie population? ”they wouldn’t announce that if it wasn't true !”.
It is really difficult when you know that this is such a massive lie and manipulation, to convince those who receive all of their ‘facts’ from the tel-LIE-vision that they have been duped.
It helps their cause to point to a change in weather but the evidence shows that they are manipulating it…Fact.
“But there are floods !”…..because we now do not manage the waterways, and instead opt to ‘re-wild’ everywhere and “leave it to nature”, tge fact remains that you have to manage the countryside and waterways, we have always done that until more bonkers legislation is oassed in to protect a newt to the detriment of everything else.
There is a wealth of evidence for example from extensive study of ice core samples clearlythat and indisputably show that carbon dioxide increases follow warming (after a delay of circa 800 years), NOT the other way around. Carbon dioxide does NOT drive warming. Temperature records that are paraded to the public to make the case for the evils of this demon gas, fail to show that we are in a steady climb out of the last big cooling period, known as the ‘little ice age’ and that the earth is now in one of the coolest periods in its history. A history that shows very clearly the decreases and increases in temperature, far greater that we are experiencing today, that were quite obviously not driven by us pesky humans and our industry, on the contrary, we have survived and thrived despite those enormous swings in temperature. The rhetoric that ‘one degree of warming’ is catastrophic and that whole areas will be flooded and under water because of this, are laughable. The notion that melting ice caps will cause the sea level to rise, is equally nonsensical because the weight of the ice in the water is the same as the volume of the melted water, they are equal. This is basic science.
The following graph from the Smithsonian, is one among many that demonstrate the huge changes in temperature that our planet has gone through in its history, any yet life continued to flourish.
If we allow these maniacs to continue unchecked we will suffer, and it will not be because of a rise in temperature, it will be because sanity has been replaced by insanity and totalitarian rule has replaced free thought and individual freedom. This is what is known as slavery, pure and simple. We have no choice but to say no to this and resist at every opportunity all the changes that drive us toward this dystopia. Do not fall for the mantra that if you care about the planet you will recycle your rubbish, when they wrap everything in plastic at the supermarket, when they provide milk and juice in plastic cartons instead of real environmental options like glass, which can be cleaned and reused, this is what we used to have until, they changed it. We have used increasingly economical and clean diesel cars, but they said we need to pillage the third world for lithium, we need to use child and slave labour to fulfill the EV dream and ship them and their components all over the world in huge tankers. We increasingly see potholes and damaged roads because of the weight of these EV monsters. We ruin prime farming land with solar panels and wind turbines, that blight the countryside, destroy wildlife, reduce food production and push up food prices, inevitably increasing the risk of a global famine. We dig into the seabed and pour metric tonnes of concrete to prop up these superstructures, that, when their short life span is over, have to be blasted out of the ground and buried, because they are non- biodegradable and are unable to be reused. Huge graveyards are dug to bury these monstrosities further degrading the land and god knows what leaches out of them into the soil and the water table.
Fossil fuels are not dangerous to us, they are compressed foliage, they are already made, they are available, they are cheap, they do not contribute to climate change. Oil is NOT a fossil fuel, despite what you may have been led to believe, it exists above the level of fossilisation and is widely acknowledged to be in constant production and abundance, it is NOT a scarce resource. As individual sovereign beings you need to look into this yourself, “do your own research” is not a dirty word. Do not believe what you are told just because it is mainstream, you should be sceptical because it is mainstream.
In summary, these people, the perpetrators, are mad, these policies are mad, and if you have any thought that this is the way to a ‘greener, more sustainable future’ for this planet, then I have to refer you to the words of Mark Twain who said;
“It is easier to fool people, than to convince them that they have been fooled”.
Great summary.